Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Web sites to take

I have just came across Raccoon, a mobile web server that can be used to expose to the web the functionalities of a Symbian S60 based mobile device (like my Nokia N70).

Putting a web server into my phone sounded at first glance as either the more stupid or the geekiest think to do with a phone.

But as Just a Traveler said on onee one of his interesting blog entries: "you can now create Apache modules to access all the phone’s resources, use mod_python along with Python for S60 to create dynamic web pages ... and the possibilities are endless!". (thanks Just a Traveler for pointing me into this direction).

I could then create a nice web based user interface to make appointments or enter contacts directly to the phone from my desktop using a browser. Man, I just can't wait to start working on this. I can fell the geekness becoming stronger in me!

I could also publish the latest photos I just took one minute ago with my phone without uploading them to my Yahoo Photos site, provided that I have enought bandwith from my phone to the internet.

Raccoon's web site has an interesting reflection about the consequences of this technology:
We believe that being able to run a globally accessible personal
website on your mobile phone has the potential of changing the
Internet landscape. If every mobile phone or even every smart phone
initially, is equipped with a web server then very quickly most
websites will reside on mobile phones. That is bound to have some
impact not only on how mobile phones are perceived but also on how
the web evolves."

Suppose now that instead of just putting some web pages to access the phone I put web services in there? Then, I could make any other web service capable device to talk to my phone. Ans hey, my phone can also make this trick and talk to other devices using web services. I could make them cooperate and create a sort of personal area grid!

"possibilities are endless!" Sure they are.

Saturday, 5 May 2007

it is the usability, stupid

I have just bought a Nokia N70 mobile phone, but on the contrary of what can be expected after having a new gadget, I'm far from been happy. Actually, I'm pretty much upset. Why? because this is probably the more annoying device I've ever seen in my life. Man, if this phone is smart, I don't want to see the dumb one!

I'll give an example: to block the keyboard, you need to keep pressed a tinny button at the top of the phone(which happens to be the power on/off button) until a menu pops up, on which you must then choose the second option using the cursor! But be careful because if you keep the button pressed, the phone will be turned off without further confirmation. Just imagine how many times I have turned the phone off by accident.

Besides this, the phone is just plainly slow performing almost any action: it takes almost 30 seconds to boot (after you have accidentally turned off!).

Remember that feeling of anxiety when we accessed the Internet using a 28Kbps connections and we called it the "World Wide Wait"? Well, this is even more frustrating because a phone is basically an appliance, a device that you expect to do something and do it quickly and flawlessly. Imagine if you have to wait 30 seconds for your microwave oven to "boot" before you can defrost your dinner?

The true be said, this phone has a lot of functionality. But its user interface couldn't be more complex and unintuitive, rendering it almost unusable by anyone but a true geek "technology enthusiast".

Therefore, I find the discussion about the features the iPhone lacks almost irrelevant: it is more important what you will actually be able to do, than what the phone could potentially do . . . if it were just smart enough to make it for you.

update 10-May-2007
After some extensive research in different blogs and forums, I've found that the phone is actually quite nicely customizable. For instance, I discovered that in some cases (but not always) the keyboard protection can be activated using a sinple combination of keys, without using the power on/off button.

Here is a list of blogs you might be interested to take a look at:
Optimizing Shortcuts in S60 Phones
Making the most out of Nokia N70 - Part 3
S60 Navigation - Tips and Tricks